The World of Love, Caste & Suicide

By:- Shahil


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Dev is the protagonist of the novel who quoted that being a Good Human being is way much better than being a RANA, CHAUDHARY, MITTAL, AGGARWAL, or SHARMA (castes in the Indian culture). Humanity has taken the front seat in this novel and Dev is an apt example of a good human being who spreads love and happiness everywhere. The novel shows how we need more people like Dev in the world. Even his love for Aanya is a pure and innocent one. The story is a roller coaster ride of Dev and Aanya’s love which contains countless twists and turns. Though it is the author’s debut novel, but with the help of this novel, he has tried to touch on a myriad of themes and emotions. The colloquial language, raw emotions and efficacious insights on life, love and happiness present a delightful reading and a new world in front of readers to explore and enjoy. The novel ‘The World of Love, Caste and Suicide!: Caste creates Chaos”, is a fabulous love story written by a young, budding author who has put his heart out in the book. The book contains few autobiographical details or events under the hem of fiction.

Product Detail

Language : English

Publisher : PaperTowns

Binding : Paperback

Pages : 194

ISBN : 979-8593575227

Country Origin : India

Publish Date : 2021-01-01

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