
By:- Abhinav Bhatnagar

Embark on a journey through the enigmatic corridors of ‘Riddlescape.’ Suspense, timeless tales, and a touch of magic converge to paint a tapestry of emotions. What secrets lie hidden in the shadows of crime-riddled narratives? Can you unravel the threads of time in a fleeting mirage of olden India? Will you navigate the crimson whispers of a father’s poignant memoir, or explore the fantastical ‘What if’ of a unique take on Harry Potter? Each story is a key, unlocking a new realm. Are you ready to solve the mysteries woven into this captivating anthology?


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Embark on a journey through the enigmatic corridors of ‘Riddlescape.’ Suspense, timeless tales, and a touch of magic converge to paint a tapestry of emotions. What secrets lie hidden in the shadows of crime-riddled narratives? Can you unravel the threads of time in a fleeting mirage of olden India? Will you navigate the crimson whispers of a father’s poignant memoir, or explore the fantastical ‘What if’ of a unique take on Harry Potter? Each story is a key, unlocking a new realm. Are you ready to solve the mysteries woven into this captivating anthology?


Abhinav Bhatnagar is the bestselling author of his debut novel Shut Eye, which received many accolades like the Tagore Commemorative Literary Award, Litfest 2022 award, etc. Abhinav has spent about half a decade working closely with the media and entertainment industry with clients like Warner Bros., BMW, Paramount Pictures, Samsung, Hyundai, and so on. But only recently did he realize that he has a bug for writing. The mysteries always excite the writer in him. His work has also been featured in many anthologies, like Desert Rose, Shades of the heart, and many more. Currently, he is working on the second part of his first thriller series. You can connect with him on Instagram - @abhinav.bhatnagar and Twitter - @coolab43

Product Detail

Language : English

Publisher : Paper Towns

Binding : Paperback

Pages : 74

ISBN : 978-9361852374

Country Origin : India

Publish Date : 2024-08-11

Blurb : Embark on a journey through the enigmatic corridors of ‘Riddlescape.’ Suspense, timeless tales, and a touch of magic converge to paint a tapestry of emotions. What secrets lie hidden in the shadows of crime-riddled narratives? Can you unravel the threads of time in a fleeting mirage of olden India? Will you navigate the crimson whispers of a father’s poignant memoir, or explore the fantastical ‘What if’ of a unique take on Harry Potter? Each story is a key, unlocking a new realm. Are you ready to solve the mysteries woven into this captivating anthology?

Author Detail

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