Popcorn Tales

By:- Bhavna Jagnani



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A story a day keeps the boredom away! This book is a collection of such eighteen stories written in a span of twenty days, and covers various genres such as mystery, myth, sci-fi, romance and fantasy. This train stops at stations where a boy turns out a saviour, a simple ring becomes an amulet, goons invade a grocery store, people in a village disappear at night, technology takes over half of world, a girl is considered to be bad-omen, a girl dwells in novels, the town clock has something mysterious about it, a mystery solver saves her sister, crossword puzzles turns out to be clues, a bookworm is about to be proposed to, a pizza from a non-existent pizza house gets delivered, and it doesn't stop here. With a total of eighteen stops, you experience various flavours, as there in popcorn. Do you want to solve these mysteries? Then, hop onto this train with your favourite flavour of popcorn in hand to experience this adventurous ride!

Product Detail

Language : English

Publisher : Paper Towns

Binding : Paperback

Pages : 150

ISBN : 978-81-19455-88-1

Country Origin : India

Publish Date : 2023-10-29

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