Experiencing Life As A Yogi

By:- atul anand


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In this world everything around you is changing – individuals, professionals, corporate, families, relationships – life as a whole. In this changing world, The most neglected part is you as an individual. Experiencing life as Yogi is meant for bringing equanimity in you. Yogi stands for youthful, observant, great, individual. It helps you to take an exploratory journey within you. It makes you answer some tough questions of life like – “who am I”, “ why should I be good when people around me are mean”, “ I as a life centre”, and the “cyclical nature of time”.The purpose of this book is to see “life as it happens to you, without adding any filters to it by living in the present moment”.



Product Detail

Language : English

Publisher : PaperTowns

Binding : Paperback

Pages : 160

ISBN : 978-9387131910

Country Origin : India

Publish Date : 2020-01-01

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