"Deep in the Ocean" follows Kiara, an eighteen-year-old in Mumbai struggling with depression and academic pressure. Her best friend Veer, who has feelings for her, supports her through her darkest times. A misunderstanding drives her away, leading her to meet Vivan on a trip, sparking new emotions. Amid the pressure of exams and a lockdown, Kiara faces a crisis and sends a desperate message to Veer, culminating in a dramatic race to save her, exploring themes of love and despair.
About the book :
"Deep in the Ocean" follows Kiara, an eighteen-year-old in Mumbai struggling with depression and academic pressure. Her best friend Veer, who has feelings for her, supports her through her darkest times. A misunderstanding drives her away, leading her to meet Vivan on a trip, sparking new emotions. Amid the pressure of exams and a lockdown, Kiara faces a crisis and sends a desperate message to Veer, culminating in a dramatic race to save her, exploring themes of love and despair.
About the author :
Mansi Dixit is a graphic designer by day and a writer by night, known for her vivid imagination and storytelling. Her creative journey began with a poem titled "Deep in the Ocean," which sparked her passion for writing. She later pursued a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature to refine her craft. Mansi’s love for art, movies, and novels deeply influences her storytelling, inspiring her to create unique worlds and characters. Her debut novel, inspired by her early poem, reflects her dedication to bringing her imaginative tales to life.
Language : English
Publisher : Paper Towns
Binding : Paperback
Pages : 188
ISBN : 978-9361858581
Country Origin : India
Publish Date : 2024-08-13
Blurb : "Deep in the Ocean" follows Kiara, an eighteen-year-old in Mumbai struggling with depression and academic pressure. Her best friend Veer, who has feelings for her, supports her through her darkest times. A misunderstanding drives her away, leading her to meet Vivan on a trip, sparking new emotions. Amid the pressure of exams and a lockdown, Kiara faces a crisis and sends a desperate message to Veer, culminating in a dramatic race to save her, exploring themes of love and despair.
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