Born in a palace, being a royal blood is not always about luxury, crowns and tiara, or thrones. For Princess Yuvika it's different; being with a strict, overprotective father had naturally made her a rule breaker. She has endured all through her life being sceptical about her mother’s death; Yuvika faces a new challenge to save her younger brother Mahir. This put her on a path of dangerous quest, accompanied by her best friend siya and her pet griffin Ronnie. Her adventurous journey divulges many secrets, luck favors her with some good friends as helping hand, but with unknown hands of enemies working behind, will yuvika succeed in saving her brother in time? The path that Yuvika has chosen, does it lead to her destiny? Or is it a trap? People around her being secretive, will their act open doors to a new horror?
Born in a palace, being a royal blood is not always about luxury, crowns and tiara, or thrones.
For Princess Yuvika it's different; being with a strict, overprotective father had naturally made her a rule breaker. She has endured all through her life being sceptical about her mother’s death; Yuvika faces a new challenge to save her younger brother Mahir. This put her on a path of dangerous quest, accompanied by her best friend siya and her pet griffin Ronnie. Her adventurous journey divulges many secrets, luck favors her with some good friends as helping hand, but with unknown hands of enemies working behind, will yuvika succeed in saving her brother in time? The path that Yuvika has chosen, does it lead to her destiny? Or is it a trap? People around her being secretive, will their act open doors to a new horror?
Language : English
Publisher : Paper Towns
Binding : Paperback
Pages : 233
ISBN : 978-9361855320
Country Origin : India
Publish Date :
Blurb : Born in a palace, being a royal blood is not always about luxury, crowns and tiara, or thrones. For Princess Yuvika it's different; being with a strict, overprotective father had naturally made her a rule breaker. She has endured all through her life being sceptical about her mother’s death; Yuvika faces a new challenge to save her younger brother Mahir. This put her on a path of dangerous quest, accompanied by her best friend siya and her pet griffin Ronnie. Her adventurous journey divulges many secrets, luck favors her with some good friends as helping hand, but with unknown hands of enemies working behind, will yuvika succeed in saving her brother in time? The path that Yuvika has chosen, does it lead to her destiny? Or is it a trap? People around her being secretive, will their act open doors to a new horror?
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