Love: it never ends

By:- Gautam Navapara


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A girl, Foram, looking for love. A boy, Abhay, running away from it. Both collide in a twist of fate and end up in the same box. Love is in the air until one unfortunate night when everything falls apart. Abhay can’t find Foram anywhere. He can’t do anything but move on in life. Enters the best friend, Aneri, who pushes him out of that broken box of love. Abhay climbs out only to fall back in again when he hears of Foram again. Finally, Abhay knows where Foram is and what happened that night. But is knowing enough to bring them back together? Love – it never ends is a story of love, relationships and sacrifice, which will make you believe that indeed, love never ends!


Product Detail

Language : English

Publisher : PaperTowns

Binding : Paperback

Pages : 212

ISBN : 978-9387131255

Country Origin : India

Publish Date : 2020-03-09

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