Redeem Yourself

By:- Shashi Ramakant Shukla



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Anxiety and overthinking take a toll on our health so many times that we witness so many opportunities slipping canary from our hands and yet fail to garner the energy to act. This poetry collection talks about all those moments when failure knocks on our doors, and we simply push ourselves to rise above the waves. But every piece of poetry ends with hope with positivity and the air you need to get up. crawl. then walk and actually get up to work. It's more than just a collection of poetries, it's the heart of an over thinker laid out for the world to read.

Product Detail

Language : English

Publisher : Paper Towns

Binding : Paperback

Pages : 72

ISBN : 9788119455737

Country Origin : India

Publish Date : 2024-01-03

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