Poetry is the magic that happens in the minds and gets revealed by the wand of a pen, turning the blank Paper to astonishment. Poetry is the art that one does for their heart's contentment. It holds power to turn the enigmatic screams to beautiful words. Poetry is solace and passion only if understood in its true form. It is an art gifted to only us humans. And it should be a part of our wisdom to take advantage of such a blessing. With poetry, there is a difference to be made in a world already so different. Its words exist to connect hearts and souls to each other, contrasting their differences. Poetry makes one feel, poetry makes one heal. And only if souls heal will they be able to feel.
Language : English
Publisher : PaperTowns
Binding : Paperback
Pages : 100
ISBN : 978-9387131774
Country Origin : India
Publish Date : 2020-01-01
Blurb :
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam in volutpat turpis suscipit etiam. Etiam malesuada amet enim.