You Leave Me, I Die

By:- narendra


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Middle school misfit, Wayne has had a hard time finding true love and new love. In hopes of a change, he switches schools and starts a new life, The real life, filled with emotion, adventure, love, and loss. He finds a true friend in buzz, someone to make out with and someone to love. For once, Wayne has it all. Or does he? A little part of him was missing, and when it came back to him, his world turned upside down. Now, he is at crossroads. He will have to make a choice he can’t revoke. He is aware of the consequences, but love conquers it all, doesn’t it? You don’t die when your love leaves you or do you?.

Product Detail

Language : English

Publisher : PaperTowns

Binding : Paperback

Pages : 146

ISBN : 978-9387131231

Country Origin : India

Publish Date : 2020-01-01

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