Rishi, a teenager living in the mountains, grapples with loneliness befriends a young nomad girl, Sejal. It didn't take time for their friendship to blossom into love until fate intervened and separated them, giving birth to this intense tale of longing and self-discovery. From then, a series of unavoidable events flipped his life upside down with all kinds of strangeness: A tree with glowing lanterns, a boy without anger, a clairvoyant with mystical visions, an owl that transcends realities and a grassland filled with memories from past lives. Rishi rummages through these countless memories and past lives to be with his one true love. Mist in a Bottle a song of self discovery, love, friendship, spiced up is a s with a pinch of fantasy. Its a story weaved with fragrances borrowed from wild earth, untamed rivers, salted seas and stoic mountains to engulf reader's heart with warmth and love.
Language : English
Publisher : Paper Towns
Binding : Paperback
Pages : 290
ISBN : 9788119455058
Country Origin : India
Publish Date : 2023-11-06
Blurb :
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