Praan - The Life

By:- Manoj Kukreja


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Anuj Verma rises from a self-made world of belief and imagination to become the 1st National champion from his state in Badminton. The brawn and beauty, the raw truth and the blatant lies, the simplicity and the hypocrisy of the small middle-class town where he resides push him into a happier world of being a loner and a giver. Guarded and shielded by two very dominant women, his mother Shakuntla Devi and Prachi, Anuj remains in their fold and keeps them in his heart. When the 4th highest Civilian award Padmashri in India is bestowed on Anuj, he remembers only a handful of people with untold love and gratitude. The high and mighty bureaucracy, the politicians devoid of love, drives Anuj into a path of work addiction and eventually into the dark tunnel of the deadly pandemic. Different shades of a woman.The supreme sacrifice and the stubbornness till the point of destruction.



Product Detail

Language : English

Publisher : PaperTowns

Binding : Paperback

Pages : 230

ISBN : 978-9391228774

Country Origin : India

Publish Date : 2021-01-01

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