Three Lives

By:- Monideepa Roy Choudhury


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Three lives is a record of my personal journey through three district phases which I could identify for myself.

Beginning in the oil town of Digboi around the partition of India, it culminated in the national capital of Deho. The time span covered in 1947, the year I was born, to 2016, when I wrote the last chapter after a visit to my first marital home at Agra air base.

The momoirs seek to touch life ag it's core; it is a tribute to all the apparently simple but intense people of my childhood Digboi, the tough but soft friends of the Indian Air Force and the living and lives material of the NGO I was associated with.

Product Detail

Language : English

Publisher : PaperTowns

Binding : Paperback

Pages : 454

ISBN : 978-93-94670-938

Country Origin : India

Publish Date : 2023-04-21

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