Over Time, Space and Emotions

By:- Richa Sharma


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'Over time, space and emotion' is a collection of short stories and narratives that describe the everyday longings, joys, failures, victories and paradoxes that are indicators of the larger shared human condition.

These pieces are narrated from the vantage point of "I".

However, one must resist the obvious urge to ascribe a palpable or rigid identity to the " I".

Here, "I" would be better looked upon as an anonymous character, instead of a pronoun and is therefore, capable of morphing into infinite identities that may be ascribed to "I" by the reader.

The book is then a record of this character's journey, suspended in the intertwined web of existence, pulling at the strings of different themes and often weaving stories that leave an aftertaste of nostalgia, homesickness, friendship, love, grief, mental affliction and more.

Product Detail

Language : English

Publisher : PaperTowns

Binding : Paperback

Pages : 121

ISBN : 978-9394670600

Country Origin : India

Publish Date : 2023-02-20

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