Life Explored: And other Stories

By:- Sonali Sharma

Sonali Sharma


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The smallest things matter the most, for they bring compounded joy. Life is nothing but a basket full of incidents that later turn out to find their own route through stories, maybe sentences, or, who knows, maybe just a few words. Life Explored is a heartwarming picture of everyday life and the stories inspired by real incidents amidst the chaotic lives of ordinary people around them. In 15 different tales, Sonali delves deeper into memories of teenage life, life in college, and the experiences of people she's crossed paths with. These stories and the characters are raw, uncut, and a little vulnerable, with a heart full of warmth and kindness. While you turn the pages of the book, tales of humanity, love, empathy, and compassion await you!

Product Detail

Language : English

Publisher : PAPER TOWNS

Binding : Paperback

Pages : 125

ISBN : 978-8196907716

Country Origin : India

Publish Date : 2024-05-30

Blurb : The smallest things matter the most, for they bring compounded joy. Life is nothing but a basket full of incidents that later turn out to find their own route through stories, maybe sentences, or, who knows, maybe just a few words. Life Explored is a heartwarming picture of everyday life and the stories inspired by real incidents amidst the chaotic lives of ordinary people around them. In 15 different tales, Sonali delves deeper into memories of teenage life, life in college, and the experiences of people she's crossed paths with. These stories and the characters are raw, uncut, and a little vulnerable, with a heart full of warmth and kindness. While you turn the pages of the book, tales of humanity, love, empathy, and compassion await you!

Author Detail

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