21 Days of Awesomeness

By:- Shashank Lalwani


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Perspective: The driving force of seeing things in a more matured way. Most of our life problems arise because we look at things in a completely different light than what they should be or even what they are in a real life scenario! What if we think more logically, with compassion and a problem-solving mindset, rather than harping on things that bring us no good? Mindfulness is a tool that empowers us to take charge of our lives, break free from the cages we build of our own self in our brains, frees us from our own self-destroying thoughts and makes us look at life with gratefulness. Joy and life. Trust me, rich or poor, at the heart of your heart, that's everything that anyone in this world truly wants. I hope this book empowers you to be just that much! To be your own coach for the quality of life you lead daily! Love and peace. Shashank and Sreejata

Product Detail

Language : English

Publisher : PaperTowns

Binding : Paperback

Pages : 190

ISBN : 978-9394670464

Country Origin : India

Publish Date : 2023-04-19

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