The Missing City

By:- Srishti Rathour


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“Oh, this is so unbelievable!” Rahel exclaimed, looking up, “You say there is an entire city up there.”

“It was there,” Freya said, “Now, it has gone missing.”

Sumi Solanki is an introverted bibliophile while her best friend, Rahel Ouseph, is a party animal and somewhat shares Sumi’s love for books. Their simple life turns into a roller coaster ride when they are trusted with the biggest secret of the century; up above in the skies, exists a divine city, residents of which, known as Guardians, have been protecting mankind since ages. When the Guardian city vanishes, and evil shadows begin to lurk the earth, the two girls are chosen by an ominous Mirror to set things right. Intrigued by the history of Guardians and a mind-boggling prophecy, Sumi and Rahel are pulled into a world of indifferent virtues, binding magic, and strictly forbidden love. Will they be able to save their saviours? Or has the Mirror been lying all along? Find out in this epic tale of brave choices and sacrifices.

Product Detail

Language : English

Publisher : PaperTowns

Binding : Paperback

Pages :

ISBN : 978-9387131460

Country Origin : India

Publish Date : 2020-01-14

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