Samarprasth Saga Vol. 1 - The Horsemen of Hope

By:- Saurabh


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It is 3107 AD. Planet Earth goes through an apocalyptic phase. Humans devoid of humanity continuing their conquests, coupled with Nature's way of teaching us a lesson, cause massive loss of all forms of life. Saviours from a secret ancient fraternity called "Bhargav Gurukul" emerge as a ray of hope and protect our planet from the ultimate extinction. This eventually leads to the formation of "Samarprasth", a country born out of war. Samarprasth, built with a vision of a perfect society, is protected by an elite group of warriors called "Amogh Vaahini", the infallible army. Nearly 800 years on, the warriors of the 27th Amogh Vaahini, are on their first mission to find a mysterious baby girl kidnapped by some unknown forces. Who are these forces and why have they kidnapped an infant? Is perfection just an illusion? Unlock answers to many such questions by embarking upon this fantasy adventure, "The Horsemen of Hope" - the first book from the "Samarprasth Saga".

Product Detail

Language : English

Publisher : PaperTowns

Binding : Paperback

Pages : 267

ISBN : 978-9394670334

Country Origin : India

Publish Date : 2022-09-13

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