Here Is Your Guide To Self Publishing In India

To prevent all the chaos and disappointment that comes from traditional publishing, authors are more inclined towards the Self-Publishing method. An established author might know some major steps in this field. But, if you are a budding author and looking forward to putting your book out to the world through the Self-Publishing method, here are some key points for you:

Let us start from the beginning. Once you finish writing the script, half of the work is completed, right? But mind it; your success depends on the rest half. This leftover half includes –

Editing and Revaluating

Editing might be a sickening process sometimes. But you need to refine your work before putting it to the world. Editing can make so much difference to your script. For example – “No parents will leave their children alone” and “No, parents will leave their children alone.” Now, that is a notable difference, isn’t it? Editing involves all sorts of grammatical errors, sentence formation, pauses and stops, spelling checks, vocabulary checks, and sometimes, even rewriting a word or a sentence to make it more appropriate and appealing to the readers.

Revaluating is pretty much the same as editing. Going through a book as an author and reader is never similar. There can be a change of perspective, ideas, and vision. There are chances that a reader might not be able to understand an author’s view through reading his piece of literature. Hence, an author should always reevaluate. He should go through his book several times to analyze what needs to be added and what needs to be removed. Hence, re-evaluating is as necessary as editing.

Long story short, I think we all have heard that the raw data is not of any use until it is processed and we convert it into useful information or a piece of knowledge.


When you have completed finishing your editing, there is not much left for you to do other than being creative! Designing your book well is an essential step towards self-publishing your book. Designing majorly includes the cover, bio, illustration, fonts, and formats, etc. Now, remember our days as children when we used to like or dislike a book by seeing the pictures and activities inside it! We wouldn’t read the text until we were told to. We would just get fascinated by the book’s cover and the colours and pictures. Put yourself in a reader’s shoes, and you’ll understand how important a good design is to attract readers. Your cover comes over 70% of the whole idea of designing. The cover of a book must be well designed and appealing to the audience, and it is a fact. A reader must be intrigued by buying your book through its cover and title. Hence, design an appropriate cover as per your content. Don’t make the mistake of overdoing your cover, as most of the new self-publishing authors do. Remember, ‘less is more.’ Rest 30% includes the illustration and format of the book. Write a sound-appealing yet simple introduction to your book. Give your readers an idea of what they are investing in. And design the font inside aptly. Keep ample spacing and choose a simple font for your book.


Here comes the major step of this whole process. It can be difficult for an author to think like an entrepreneur. All you need to do is to be business headed. Now there are certain things you need to put in your mind before you start marketing.

A check on the target audience:

Deciding where and how to increase the traffic to your book based on your target audience.

Marketing strategies must be well planned and should include teamwork. You should get in touch with various people and learn certain things. The best and most common way of promotion nowadays is social media. Everyone nowadays has a Facebook handle, for sure. You can start by promoting there. Make a page for your book, increase the audience, and keep them engaged by posting some quotes or sayings from your book. Remember, all you need to do is ATTRACT! Attract people.

Talking of social media, you can explore various other channels, too, like Twitter, Goodreads, Quora, etc.

Remember, the target audience of every possible age spends most of their time on social media only. So take your time to build up readers there. You can take inspiration from the pages of various successful and established authors. There are these two ways in which you can socialize with different established social media platforms:-


This is a sure thing that you must have a website for your book. But how to gather the maximum plus the right people there? You can contact several pages or authors with a good amount of followers and propose to collaborate with them. Collaboration can be done in various ways. Organize events or giveaways together, review your book, etc. That way, you and your collaborator both will benefit. They will get content for their page, and you’ll get an opportunity to attract people towards your page.

YouTube and free promotion

You can also make several videos for your book and collaborate with a decent youtuber. Trust us; there is 70%more engagement in videos and pictures than in plain written text articles or quotes. Make things creative and attractive. Make a book trailer. Release it on the maximum number of platforms you can.

When it comes down to marketing, good planning is a must!


Last but not least is retailing your book. In self-publishing, this process can be very hectic and slow sometimes due to a lack of a proper beneficial network. Traditional publishers have a broad range of distribution networks. But if you’re starting up, you must watch out for this step.

We would suggest you explore the e-commerce world! The sales have dropped so crazily high on that platform. The world of e-commerce is not only massive but welcoming.

In addition to that, establish a good relationship with retailers and distribute your book. Explore and watch for your sales. You need to be making a constant effort, whichever platform you choose.

We encourage those who come forward and step into the world of self-publishing. Writing a book isn’t enough. You need to keep working until you see your book on the best sellers list! If your book is ready, contact us today for highly reliable self-publishing services.

Good luck.


If you wish to publish your own book, we can assist you with all your publishing and marketing needs with years of experience in this field.