Silent Screams

By:- Neenv Raju Akunuri


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Love is unconditional, but is marriage? Naseen rajnath is a criminal lawyer mourning the death of her best friend, in a homicide. Jai Singh, the husband of the victim, is considered the prime suspect of the murder after ACP Jason sahayam takes up the case. Naseen decides to defend Jai in the court, only because she believes, the man who loved her best friend as dearly as Jai, couldn't have hurt her. Contrary to naseen’s conviction, could Jai really have killed his wife? Was there trouble in paradise that naseen wasn't aware of? Set in Chennai, the story goes on to unfold closely guarded secrets that now stand the risk of coming out, that’ll make Jai, naseen and Jason question their true selves.


Product Detail

Language : English

Publisher : PaperTowns

Binding : Paperback

Pages : 298

ISBN : 978-8195128792

Country Origin : India

Publish Date : 2021-01-01

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