
By:- Maariyah Siddique


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Hit with a chronic nerve illness at the peak of her career in 2017, she authored Maktoob - a book on faith & mental health during her battle with the rare nerve disease. This book initially began as speech-to-text musings as Maariyah started losing all physical abilities one by one. Two years and a few months later, those speech-to-text musings turned into a book - Maktoob. The book talks about building a deeply personal and spiritual relationship with the most significant relation in our life - that with our Creator. The book enables one to step onto a journey of knowing the Creator's manifestations with the help of the 99 names and attributes. It is a journey, a process to assist one in understanding how each name of Allah is actually addressed in the Quran, and that every name indeed, spells hope and faith.

Product Detail

Language : English

Publisher : PaperTowns

Binding : Paperback

Pages :

ISBN : 978-9387131194

Country Origin : India

Publish Date : 2020-01-23

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