
By:- narendra

Draupadi - India's First Daughter


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He slapped her hard on the face. It was more an open-handed smack from him that stung her like an electric shock. On her sensitive red cheeks was now a deep cut where his finger rings made of gold touched her. She could sense a warm stream of sweat running down her forehead and into her bare toes. She felt dizziness and ache in her head; it was not just physical but an intense sorrow crushing her from inside. Her body had become an object of desire for hundreds of lecherous men. She wished she could hide all her beauty somewhere so that she would never have to face any more such humiliations in her life.

She had been fighting battles since she was born; it was just the battlefields that kept changing periodically. But that moment, she strongly believed in avenging those lecherous men for the humiliation she was meted out.

Product Detail

Language : English

Publisher : PaperTowns

Binding : Paperback

Pages : 192

ISBN : 978-9387131552

Country Origin : India

Publish Date : 2020-07-10

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